Jessica Sanchez

Photographer. UGC Creator. Storyteller.


-with an eye for storytelling.

Outdoor Adventure & Lifestyle Photographer/UGC Creator

Evoke emotion, inspiration, and action.

Request my full media kit

Outdoor Adventure Travel

Outdoor activities I enjoy & have experience in include: off-roading, hiking, over-landing, mountain biking, cabin stays, & yoga.

Southern Colorado

I live in southern Colorado, a place with stunning landscapes filled with waterfalls, sand dunes, rivers, and national parks.

Person of Color 

I inspire more diversity & people of color in the outdoor travel, conscious lifestyle, and adventure space. I also speak spanish.

Experienced Road Lifer

Lived on the road for 6+ months in my truck camper on dispersed lands exploring landscapes of the west.

What makes me different?

Conscious Lifestyle & Mindful Travel

As an earth lover & avid meditator, I use my photography, content creation, and brand to promote responsible lifestyle & mindful travel. Bringing awareness to brands, places, and destinations that keep our planet and our approach to travel in mind.

Go macro
3rd rock CLOTHING

one tree planted
Drifted Co.

Featured clients

I specialize in capturing visuals that bring forth a story for marketing needs. A story that provides brand awareness, adventure, and valuable products to have. How do you want to tell YOUR story?


SEO-optimized blog posts, content writing, and copywriting for your website. There IS a strategic way to organically bring people to YOU and grow the content on your website.

Content Writing


Tourism | Commercial | Lifestyle

Blog Content Writing

Image Licensing

Commercial licensing photos for campaigns of all sizes. If there is an upcoming campaign or project you’d like to work on together, contact me below for further details.

Social Media | Digital | Print

My travel blog is my online space where I love to share important visuals, topics, and guides to my community. If our messages align together, let’s talk about dedicating and sharing a sponsored SEO-optimized blog post on what you have to offer.


Sponsored Posts

I’m just going to say it, we need more representation of people of color in the outdoor & lifestyle space. The more diverse stories we can tell and see more people who look like us outside of ourselves, the less invincible we will feel.


Lifestyle & Commercial

Have a destination, activity, or unique nature-immersed stay to promote? Allow me to create beautiful photography, video, and writing promoting your destination or airbnb allowing them to capture attention and stand out for the crowd.

Tourism Marketing

Airbnb | Destination | Activity

I value my long-term partnerships. In a world that's fast-paced and constantly moving, building valuable relationships has been my number one driver in my business. If I truly believe in your brand, it'd be my honor to become a trusted partner to consistently bring value & deliverables to you monthly, no matter what season we find ourselves in.

Brand Ambassadorship

Long-Term Partnerships

Content is            

here's the thing...


I know that. You know that. But how often are you able to produce consistent high quality imagery?

Are you ready yet?

Feeling drives action, change, inspiration, and a lasting impression. It's the reason why you come back, wanting more. A feeling is the core of any story told; the feeling of wonder seeing the morning light illuminate the mountain's peak, the feeling of freedom driving down an open road, and the feeling of adventure hiking the trail of a grand landscape. It's the beautiful part of being human, knowing we can create memories that we'll talk about for years to come. It's what makes me come back for more. So, whether you're wanting to showcase your destination, product, or activity, let's start by asking, "What is the feeling of my story?"

Let me guess, you have a unique destination, product, or activity you're passionate about, but need help sharing your message ...

Let's start with a feeling.

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